Mugen archive 18
Mugen archive 18

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Icons encased in square brackets require the respective button(s) to be held down. Hovering the mouse cursor over the Command Input icons will display text that refers to the inputs set in M.U.G.E.N's Key Config. However, he can only be killed in this mode by specific characters, like for example, characters with Null-Reversal. This mode is enough to defeat Dark Donald in both his first and twelfth palette. However, if he goes against 1 or 2 specific characters, he will immeditly start attacking with blood and Ronald doing his attacks very quickly. Ronald's awakening mode can only be accessed if you put Ronald against specific characters, like Dirty Kung Fu Man for example. Always picked if Ronald is in his 12th palette. Donald icon = If var(50) has been set to 1 in the OPTION file, the move "Shun Mc Satsu" can be used.Yukkuri icon = Ronald loses small amounts of Life over time.When the French fries are on the field, Ronald gains a slight Defence boost and regenerates Power. Teto icon = Eat some french flies! deals more damage and flies farther.Gumi icon = Cooldown of assist calling is now lower.Neru icon = Increased Apple Bomb damage.Haku icon = Increased Shake Bomb damage.Len icon = Increased walking, running, back-step and air-dash speed.Rin icon = While damaging, "Hamva-ga DA!" automatically attack just once.Miku icon = Miku-shield activates when dealing damage.Shikieiki icon = Random increase/decrease of attack and defense!.Increased Attack and Defence in Simul mode. Parsee icon = Life and Power regeneration in Single or Turns mode.Merlin icon = Increased damage on Apple Bomb(Ice), but decreased damage on Apple Bomb(Fire).Lyrica icon = Increased damage on Apple Bomb(Fire), but decreased damage on Apple Bomb(Thunder).Lunasa icon = Increased damage on Apple Bomb(Thunder), but decreased damage on Apple Bomb(Ice).Sunny icon = Life and Power regeneration while attacking.Ran icon = Summons a mini bouncing Ronald.Life and Power regeneration when standing still. Barrier, Homing GO HAPPY, Homing Apple Bomb, Homing Shake Bomb, and Homing Cheese Trap can now be used. LilyBlack icon = Ronald has a Poison attack(power).Medicine icon = Ronald has a Poison attack(life).Yukari icon = Automatically recover when in the air.Tenshi icon = Life and Power regeneration while dealing damage or guarding.Cirno icon = Freeze your enemies and allies.Aya icon = Life and Power regeneration when in the air, and slightly boosted jump height.Sakuya icon = Hamva-ga throws more than one hamburger and deals more damage.

mugen archive 18

Remilia icon = Increased Defence and Power regeneration.Flandre icon = Increased Attack and Defence, Life and Power regeneration.Ronald enters this state automatically if his Life is below 300, which gives him a random amount of Power (+1000,+2000,+3000,+4000,-1000 or 0) and grants him a random bonus. He cannot be defeated with normal characters. His moves are quite powerful, he regenerates his Life when attacked, his Power charges up quickly, and he can generate a smaller version of himself similar to Rare Akuma which deals the same damage and launches the same attacks as the normal version. becomes very brutal and can attack very quickly. Golden Ronald is the name commonly given to Ronald McDonald's 12th palette.

Mugen archive 18 Patch#

commands, though a patch fixes this issue. This edit is by default incompatible with M.U.G.E.N 1.0 due to the extremely long command inputs for the A.I. and Life are very similar to Donald McDonald's. The difference between this edit and the original Donald McDonald is that it has a new portrait, English voicelines, the ability to jump three times, an Awakening Ronald mode, and a few new moves such as throwing a box of French fries which cause the screen to go black apart from an open circle which is locked onto your opponent. His A.I.

  • 10 NEETpermanently's edit (Spicy Donald)ĭonalddesu's edit (Ronald McDonald) Ronald McDonald.
  • 8 Thecrazyvoid's edit (Symbiote Shadow Donald).
  • 7 Thecrazyvoid's edit (Symbiote Donald).
  • 5 DarkDonald1's second edit (Shadow Donald).
  • mugen archive 18

    4 DarkDonald1's first edit (Shadow Ronald).3 PineappleProducer's edit (Evil Donald).What is listed here is limited to what the edits change, meaning information should not be duplicated from the article about the original version outside of the idle animation and portrait, even if they haven't changed.Īroi1350's Getuploader (H-Donald & Pierrot) This subpage contains any edits of Kishio's version of Ronald McDonald.

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    Continue reading and/or choose to download the content at your own discretion. Both this article and the content documented in it contain language that may be considered offensive to some users.

    Mugen archive 18